
Is there a toothache, a chip or trauma to your teeth? We are ready to help on an emergency basis. From our 24-hour emergency line we offer to our patients to emergency timeslots reserved for unanticipated dental emergencies, we want to be here for you during this uncomfortable and stressful time.

What is it and what should I do about it?

Tooth or jaw pain can be caused by various factors. You may experience sharp or dull throbbing pain that is intermittent or constant. You may even notice swelling in the gum area. The triggers of this pain can also vary. It could be triggered by cold/hot foods, biting or even spontaneously hurt for no apparent reason. Call your dentist immediately and if possible, try to note these details as it provides valuable information during your dental examination.

If you are healthy and have not had any allergic reaction to medications, you can take over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil). Ensure you follow the instructions on the packaging for these medications.

During the appointment, Dr. Lok will do a thorough exam which may included x-rays and various tests to determine the cause of the toothache. We will review with you our findings, options and answer any of your questions.

What is it and what should I do about it?

If you have chipped a tooth, you might not feel any tooth pain unless the chip is large enough to expose the nerves in the inner layer of the tooth. If the nerve is exposed you might notice increased tooth sensitivity when chewing and you may feel sharpness when your tongue or cheeks rub against the broken tooth. Regardless if you have any sensitivity or not, make an appointment with us as soon as possible in order to prevent the tooth from further damage or infection. Often times a chipped tooth can be fixed with a simple filling. If the chip is very large, a crown may be proposed.

For immediate relief from sharp edges of the broken tooth, you can put a piece of sugar free gum around it. However, make sure you don’t sleep with it as it may be a choking hazard.

If there are additional injuries beyond the teeth such as head injuries, call your doctor or visit the hospital for a timely evaluation.

What is it and what should I do about it?

A crown or bridge can sometimes become loose and fall out after years of wear and tear or just when eating something sticky or hard. If this happens, make an appointment with us right away and remember to bring the crown or bridge into the office with you. Dr. Lok will assess if the crown/bridge can simply be recemented. The majority of cases only require a simple re-gluing of the crown with special dental cements. If we cannot recement the crown, we will review alternative treatment options with you. It is important to recement the crown as soon as possible as the teeth may begin to shift making recementing the crown/bridge impossible.

What is it and what should I do about it?

Knocked-out teeth from an accident or injury can be very stressful. You should contact a dentist as soon as possible for an emergency appointment.

If the knocked out tooth is an adult tooth, try to gently rinse it off and re-implant it as soon as possible and seek dental care. If you are not able to put it back in place, then wrap the tooth in a paper towel with a small amount of milk or even water and seek dental care. The hope is to replace the tooth into the socket and give the body a chance to reattach the tooth. Regardless, a timely dental visit is key.

If there are additional injuries beyond the teeth such as head injuries, call your doctor or visit the hospital for a timely evaluation.